Oak Ridge resident Jerry Creasey is seeking re-election to the Seventh District seat on the Anderson County Commission in the county general election on Thursday, August 2.
Creasey grew up in High Point, North Carolina, where he attended High Point College and graduated from Guildford Technical Institute in Electronics Technology following his four years of service with the United States Air Force as a B-47 Radar and Weapons In-flight Trouble Shooter, a press release said. Coming to Oak Ridge in 1968 to work at the Y-12 plant, Creasey retired as radio systems manager after 27 years of service. He has since been involved with his wife’s small telecommunications business.
Creasey has served as chairman of the Anderson County Commission, as well as chairman of the Legislative, ADA Oversight, Computer, Legislative, and the Veterans Committees. He is presently serving on the ADA Oversight, Broadband, and Budget committees. [Read more…]