Streets in Oak Ridge, including main roads, were snow-covered and slippery Tuesday evening, Jan. 16, 2018, and schools announced they would be closed again on Wednesday. Above, the Oak Ridge Police Department responds to a crash on South Illinois Avenue near Centrifuge Way on Tuesday afternoon. (Photo courtesy ORPD/City of Oak Ridge)
Streets in Oak Ridge, including main roads, were snow-covered and slippery Tuesday evening, and schools announced they would be closed again on Wednesday. Key Springs Road—a steep, curvy road that goes down Black Oak Ridge from north Oak Ridge to Marlow—was closed.
The Oak Ridge Police Department advised residents to stay home if they don’t have to be on the roads tonight.
“All roads are snow-covered,” the ORPD said Tuesday evening. “(Oak Ridge) Public Works crews are working to clear and treat roads.”
Even heavily traveled main roads such as Illinois Avenue and Oak Ridge Turnpike were snow-covered and slippery Tuesday evening. Side streets were as well.
The snow, which had started at about 1 p.m. Tuesday, continued past 7 p.m. The forecast had called for a few inches. [Read more…]