Guinness World Records Judge Michael Empric, left, is pictured above with Bill Peter, director of ORNL’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility in Hardin Valley, after Empric had confirmed that a trim-and-drill tool made at the MDF for Boeing (it’s partially pictured in the foreground) had set the world record for largest solid printed 3D item on Monday, Aug. 29, 2016. (Photo by John Huotari/Oak Ridge Today)
A tool made by Oak Ridge National Laboratory has set a world record for largest solid item manufactured on a 3D printer. Guinness World Records confirmed the tool’s measurements during a visit to ORNL’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility in Hardin Valley on Monday.
Here are pictures from the Monday morning award ceremony by John Huotari of Oak Ridge Today and ORNL/U.S. Department of Energy.
The trim-and-drill tool measures 17.5 feet long, 5.5 feet wide, and 1.5 feet tall. It’s comparable in length to a large sport utility vehicle and weighs approximately 1,650 pounds.
It will be used to help make a wing part on the Boeing 777X airplane, a passenger jet. After ORNL completes some testing, Boeing will evaluate the tool in the company’s new production facility in St. Louis and then provide information to ORNL about its performance. [Read more…]