The seven-day average of new COVID-19 cases in Anderson County reached 44.1 new cases per day on Sunday. That’s the highest level since near the end of the winter peak in January.
Three more hospitalizations and two more deaths have been reported in Anderson County in the past two weeks, according to data published by the Tennessee Department of Health.
The average positivity rate remains high, about 17 percent. World Health Organization guidelines have recommended a positivity rate below 5 percent. The positivity rate measures the percentage of positive COVID-19 tests each day.
A total of 9,500 COVID-19 cases have been reported in Anderson County since the start of the pandemic on March 20, 2020. More than 10 percent of the county has been infected. There have been 237 hospitalizations and 181 deaths.
Two weeks ago, the seven-day average of new cases per day in Anderson County was 18.4. The seven-day new case average has more than doubled in the past two weeks, to 44.1.
The seven-day average is still below the winter peak, but it’s not clear when the current increase in cases might slow down, plateau, or reverse. The seven-day average peaked on December 19 at 136.4. It reached a low of 0.4 new cases per day on July 6.
About a week after that, on July 12, cases in Anderson County began increasing significantly as the Delta variant spread across the United States. Medical workers and health and government officials are warning about the spread of that variant of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, especially among the unvaccinated, and they are urging people to get vaccinated. Cases have surged in parts of the United States, including Tennessee and several other states in the Southeast.
About 2.5 percent of the reported cases in Anderson County have resulted in hospitalizations. About 2 percent have resulted in deaths.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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