The number of new COVID-19 cases reported in Anderson County has dropped to about six new cases per day, on average, and the positivity rate is now at less than 3 percent. Those are the lowest levels in months, since before the winter holiday peaks.
The last new hospitalization for COVID-19 in Anderson County was reported May 1. The last death due to COVID-19 was reported April 21, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.
The average new number of cases per day peaked at more than 100 in December, when the positivity rate was up around 20 percent. The 20 percent positivity rate meant that roughly one of five COVID-19 tests each day returned, on average, a positive result.
After those December peaks, the average number of new cases and the average positivity rate both dropped in January and tapered down overall from February to May. (New hospitalizations also peaked in December, but deaths reached their highest monthly level in January.)
During the past two weeks, Anderson County has averaged 6.2 new COVID-19 cases per day, according to the Tennessee Department of Health. The new case level hasn’t been that low since last summer.
The positivity rate has averaged 2.8 percent during the past seven days, the state health department said. That also appears to be about the lowest level since last summer. World Health Organization guidelines call for a positivity rate of 5 percent or below.
It’s not immediately clear what has caused the drop in cases and positivity rate, and whether it’s because of increased vaccinations, continued health precautions, or people spending more time outdoors, or some combination of those factors or others, for example.
Anderson County has reported a total of 8,769 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began March 20, 2020. There have been a total of 217 hospitalizations and 171 deaths. That’s about a 2.5 percent hospitalization rate and a 2 percent fatality rate.
The Tennessee Department of Health reported 51 active COVID-19 cases in Anderson County on Tuesday, May 11.
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