After peaking in December and January, the numbers of new COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospitalizations have fallen during the past three months in Anderson County.
The largest number of new COVID-19 cases, 2,524, was reported in Anderson County in December. The highest number of new hospitalizations, 43, was also reported in December. The highest number of deaths, 56, was reported in January. State officials have said holiday gatherings were at least partially to blame for the spikes after Thanksgiving.
Since January, though, the number of new COVID-19 cases has fallen almost in half each month—from 1,608 in January to 732 in February, then to 483 in March and 275 in April. That’s according to data published by the Tennessee Department of Health.
New deaths dropped from 56 in January to 28 in February, a 50 percent reduction. Nine new deaths were reported due to COVID-19 in March and seven in April.
New hospitalizations have dropped from 43 in December to 13 in April.

The new cases reported per day in the county has plateaued at about nine, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.
One death and two hospitalizations have been reported in the past two weeks, the state health department said.
The average positivity rate during the past seven days has been 4.8 percent in Anderson County. That rate measures the number of positive tests per day compared to the total tests per day. World Health Organization guidelines have called for keeping the positivity rate below 5 percent.
Anderson County has reported 8,729 cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began in March 2020. That means about 11 percent of the county’s roughly 77,000 residents have been infected. There have been a total of 215 hospitalizations and 172 deaths due to COVID-19 in Anderson County, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.
About 2 percent of the cases in the county have resulted in deaths. About 2.5 percent of cases have resulted in hospitalizations.
On Friday, the state health department reported 111 active COVID-19 cases in Anderson County.
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