To the Editor:
Like most voters, I decided whom I would support in the national election several months ago. But I wish not to discuss what might be the worst presidential election cycle since Jefferson and Adams opposed each other in the 1700s. No, I would like to share my views on local choices (Oak Ridge City Council), especially Chuck Hope Jr., who is running for re-election.
One of the perks of living in Oak Ridge is that while shopping at Food City one can bump into the city manager. Or attend a performance at the Oak Ridge Playhouse and engage fellow patrons who are members of City Council. Or have your automobile serviced at Chuck’s Car Care on the Turnpike, owned and managed by Chuck Hope. Every customer is treated with respect. So are citizens who have contact with Chuck on matters of local governance. Work performed at his establishment usually exceeds expectation and at a reasonable price.
As chair of the City Council Budget Committee, Chuck managed to craft a budget that we can live with. No one got all of what he or she requested. But it was fairly constructed. And during the deliberation process, all petitioners were never belittled nor ridiculed.
Even with a full day, among a plethora of other activities, Chuck gives back to the community by building sets at the Playhouse and/or performing backstage duties. He and his wife, Maryjeane, have raised sons, each a unique individual who is an asset to the community and who is realizing his potential. Chuck applies this philosophy to maximizing Oak Ridge’s potential, especially the city’s relationship with the U.S. Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. National Park Service.
On a personal note, as a member of the Oak Ridge City Council Senior Advisory Board, I have appreciated Chuck’s commitment to bringing a Senior Center to fruition. By not just delivering “lip service†but by active participation in our committee meetings and forcefully presenting our views to the full Council, Chuck is striving to have a building suitable to our needs operating while the clientele “are still alive to enjoy it,†as he so eloquently stated in his public announcement of seeking re-election.
Chuck Hope wishes to continue his productive relationship with the City of Oak Ridge. We should support his efforts by voting for his re-election to City Council.
Gene R. Dunaway
Oak Ridge
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