To the Editor:
During a 1980 Presidential debate, candidate Ronald Reagan famously said to President Jimmy Carter, “There you go again,” changing that election completely.
That’s exactly how I felt when I read Alex Moseley’s letter to the editor. Alex, there you go again, trying to turn an important local election here in Anderson County into some great referendum on the liberal/conservative divide.
Let’s just look at the issues facing our county. We need more jobs. We need to provide a quality education for children in each of our three school systems. We need roads that are safe and well-maintained. We need a jail that serves the demands of our community. We need to curtail the production and use of illegal drugs. We need an effective waste management system.
The list could go on, but the point is these have everything to do with Anderson County and nothing to do with the current or past presidential campaigns.
When deciding who to support for mayor, there are certainly important questions voters should ask.
First, who brings the most experience for the job? Warren Gooch has operated a business in Anderson County with over 60 employees for the last two decades—a business which is a proud member of both the Anderson County and Oak Ridge Chambers of Commerce.
Second, which candidate is a consensus builder who will work effectively with County Commission and other elected officials to address the problems our county faces? Warren Gooch has the skills and relationships that are essential to navigate conflict and bring about resolution.
Third, since our children and the education they receive are the keys to our future, which candidate is the strongest advocate for public education? Warren Gooch and his wife Judy are longtime advocates of public education, both of their sons Ryan and Matthew having graduated as proud Oak Ridge Wildcats.
Alex is right about only one thing: There really is only one logical choice for mayor. That’s Warren Gooch.
Ann Mostoller
Chairman, Anderson County Democratic Party
T J says
What business for how many years?
B Smith says
His website says he started and operates a health care law practice. The website says he started the practice in 1987 (25 years ago). This article says the firm has had more than 60 employees for the last two decades. I take that to mean that his firm started out small and grew to the point that they’ve had a large number of employees for the last two decades.
It’d be tough to make a decision between Gooch and Frank based on small business background since they’ve both done pretty well in that area. Difficult to argue with the depth of their Anderson County roots as well.
Either one of these two is a breath of fresh air after Rex Stench.