Matt Reedy, left, receives an official ICMA Community Hero certificate and letter from Oak Ridge City Manager Mark Watson, right. From left to right in background are Mayor Pro Tem Rick Chinn, Council member Jim Dodson, and Council member Kelly Callison. (Photo courtesy City of Oak Ridge)
Oak Ridge Recreation Manager Matt Reedy has been named a 2017 Community Hero by the International City/County Management Association, or ICMA. Reedy is one of just 10 people chosen from across the country, a press release said.
“The honor is part of an ICMA initiative called ‘Life, Well Run,’ which aims to raise awareness of and appreciation for the value professional managers bring to build ethical, efficient, effective local government, and great communities we’re proud to call home,” a press release said.
Reedy was surprised with the announcement and a presentation of a certificate from ICMA at the regular city council meeting on Monday, April 10, the press release said. Oak Ridge City Manager Mark Watson spoke about Reedy’s devotion to the city and its people, in particular its youth. [Read more…]