Road work is scheduled to begin Monday, June 6, 2016, on a small portion of Manhattan Avenue between South Purdue Avenue and Northwestern Avenue. (Photo by John Huotari/Oak Ridge Today)
A short section of Manhattan Avenue will be rebuilt, and that section of the street could be closed for about three weeks.
The work is scheduled to start Monday, June 6, on Manhattan Avenue between South Purdue and Northwestern avenues.
Manhattan Avenue will be closed there to through traffic, and alternate routes could be in place for about three weeks, a press release said. Only residents will be allowed access to the roadway and their driveways.
“A road reconstruction is a major project for the City of Oak Ridge, as usually we only mill and resurface streets,” the press release said. “Due to the subsurface failure of this portion of Manhattan Avenue, reconstruction of the roadway is necessary.” [Read more…]