Oak Ridge National Laboratory raised more than $914,000 in its 2012 United Way campaign, which supports charitable agencies throughout the area.
ORNL United Way Campaign Chairman Hurtis Hodges said employees and retirees contributed more than $800,000 and UT-Battelle, the laboratory’s managing contractor, contributed a corporate gift of $100,000.
“The generosity of ORNL’s employees continues to make the laboratory one of the largest United Way contributors in East Tennessee,†ORNL Director Thom Mason said.
More than $25,000 was raised through special events that included a putting challenge, dunking booth, jewelry and book fairs, a cash mob, and a silent auction.
This year’s campaign focus shifted from concentrating on the total amount donated to increasing employee participation through payroll deduction, Hodges said. The strategy was in response to the loss of United Way givers in last year’s Voluntary Separation Program. The strategy worked, as ORNL saw a net gain of more than 300 new staff contributors and 41 new leadership givers, bringing the total number of staff signed up as United Way contributors to 2,004.
“Despite the economic challenges, ORNL still showed an increase in leadership givers and staff contributors,†Hodges said. “The increase in staff contributors emphasizes the importance laboratory employees place on the health of our community.â€