Joe Jarret, an attorney who has served two different charter county governments as law director-chief legal counsel, will speak next week at the Anderson County Democratic Women’s Club. The meeting, which includes a pot luck dinner, will start at 6 p.m. Monday, October 24, in the Club Room of the Clinton Community Center, which is at 101 South Hicks Street in Clinton.
Jarret will discuss the mechanics and practical effects of a charter form of government. He has served three different government entities as chief legal counsel, the most recent being Knox County. During his service there, he provided legal advice to the 27-member Charter Review Commission during months of public hearings.
A federal and state mediator, the attorney has practiced law for more than 24 years. He is chair of the Tennessee Bar Association City/County/Local Government Law Section, and past president of the East Tennessee Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration and the Tennessee Valley Mediation Association. [Read more…]