Anderson County Property Assessor Johnny Alley, left; County Mayor Terry Frank, center; and Deputy Property Assessor Billy Brown look at some of the areas in the Andersonville area lacking broadband service. (Submitted photo)
Anderson County Mayor Terry Frank is asking for interested Anderson County citizens to form a working group in advance of upcoming broadband opportunities made possible by newly passed legislation in Tennessee, a press release said.
Those who are interested can meet on Tuesday, July 11, at 6 p.m.in the conference room at the Anderson County Health Department, 710 North Main Street in Clinton.
Governor Bill Haslam and the Tennessee State Legislature passed the Tennessee Broadband Accessibility Act that provides $45 million over three years in grants and tax credits for service providers to assist in making broadband available to unserved homes and businesses, in addition to allowing nonprofit electric cooperatives to provide retail broadband service, the press release said.
Guidance has not yet been released on the grant application process, but in the press release, Frank said she hopes a working group assembled prior to the release of grant guidance could help Anderson County be ready and prepared once grants are released. Frank also hopes the working group will serve as a forum for new ideas regarding connectivity in areas of the county where access is already available. [Read more…]