Joe Tolson with an “Eliminate MNT” banner from the Sweetwater, Tenn., Kiwanis Club at a Feb 15 Kiwanis meeting in Knoxville. (Submitted photo)
The Kiwanis Club of Oak Ridge will meet at the Golden Oak Grill Buffet on Tuesday, and the program will feature Joe Tolson, president of the Sweetwater Kiwanis Club. Tolson will talk about The Eliminate MNT Project, which is a Kiwanis International Partnership with UNICEF to prevent and eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus, or MNT, across the globe.
The Kiwanis project’s goal is to raise $110 million to help UNICEF eliminate MNT and to ensure mothers have access to a safe birthing environment or three doses of the tetanus vaccine. Additional information about The Eliminate Project can be seen at the Web page http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/home.aspx. [Read more…]