The final two installments of this year’s Oak Ridge After Dark Series will feature comedy and a superhero film. The two entertainment events are scheduled for August 8 and 15 in A.K. Bissell Park.
Oak Ridge After Dark is presented by the Oak Ridge Convention and Visitors Bureau.
On August 8, local comedy improv troupe Einstein Simplified will take the Performing Arts Pavilion stage for a free family-friendly show beginning at 7 p.m., a press release said. Einstein Simplified has been entertaining in the Knoxville area for more than 18 years. The act relies heavily on audience participation and gives everyone the chance to become part of the show.
Comedy night is sponsored by Classic Hits 93.1. No glass containers or alcohol will be allowed on site. Concessions will be available for sale.
On August 15, the After Dark series will conclude with Hero Night. On that evening, the park will open at 7 p.m., with activities celebrating civic and superheroes alike. The Oak Ridge Fire Department and Oak Ridge Police Department will be on hand to interact with children prior to the dusk screening of the evening’s superhero film, the press release said. Hero night is sponsored by 96.7 Merle FM. Children are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite civic or superhero. Face painting, concessions and professional photography with the film’s main character will be available for sale.
Visit the Historic Oak Ridge, TN Facebook page for more information.
Oak Ridge After Dark is presented by the ORCVB and sponsored by UCOR and Oak Ridge Nissan. The Oak Ridge Convention and Visitors Bureau is a local organization formed to strengthen the area economy through the marketing and promotion of Oak Ridge as a destination for meetings, business and leisure travel. Visit them at or call (865) 482-7821 for more information.
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