Members of the Anderson County Board of Education pictured above are, from left, Steve Fritts and Scott Gillenwaters, Schools Director Larry Foster, Board Chair John Burrell, Vice Chair Greg Crawford, and member Dail Cantrell.
CLINTON—Anderson County school officials have revoked a decision that could have resulted in the loss of about $700,000 in funding for the Head Start program in Oak Ridge in the next school year.
The Anderson County Board of Education rejected Oak Ridge’s Head Start application on April 10 over concerns about the falsification of federal data, specifically reports on the motor skills of children.
But since then, officials from Anderson County and Oak Ridge schools have met and hammered out a 10-point plan that could be put into place for the 2014-2015 school year. The agreement would allow Oak Ridge to continue to receive funding for the city’s Head Start program through Anderson County.
The agreement between the two systems, which would have the city and county work together to hire a new preschool principal or director in Oak Ridge, was considered during a brief special meeting of the Anderson County Board of Education in Clinton on Tuesday. The board unanimously agreed to rescind their April 10 rejection and accept Oak Ridge’s proposal.
The $700,000 in Head Start funding would cover about 118 students next year in Oak Ridge. Head Start is a federal entitlement program for low-income children. Anderson County Schools supervises the local Head Start program.
The case of the false data is reportedly still under federal review, but John S. Burrell, Anderson County school board chair, is hopeful that the agreement between the two school systems, which includes the hiring of a monitor using $50,000 in Head Start funds, will help alleviate any concerns federal officials might have.
Anderson County school officials said Oak Ridge education officials have taken responsibility for what happened and dealt with it appropriately.
“I think this ought to more or less be the end of it,” Burrell said.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
Mike Mahathy says
Good. I knew it would be worked out.
Aaron Wells says
Mike, your prophecies should be listed among the ranks of those such as John Hendrix. Glad to know our school system will be able to continue on the path of excellence. Good job Dr. Borchers, O.R. School Board, and O.R. City Council.
Mike Mahathy says
Thanks Aaron, but nay. I just knew that Oak Ridge would get this fixed, regardless of who is in charge.
We have the history, facilities and teachers to do this. I believe we were already doing a great job but good to be going forward. I hope our leaders in Oak Ridge apply for our own HS grant in time.
Angi Agle says
Excellent news! Thanks to Dr. Borchers and Dr. Marczak for getting this straightened out.
Jeanne Hicks Powers says
Glad the kids of OR will not lose out. Hopefully the federal aspect will be as easily worked out. OR does need to separate from Anderson County on this work and OR needs to educate their preschool staff well. Hopefully this lesson, though terrible, will not have long term negative effects. OR is not 100% “out of the woods”yet! Baby steps have begun….