Only one entrance is open at the Anderson County Courthouse in Clinton, and the Anderson County Senior Center is closed through April 24.
The changes are part of the county’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Anderson County government is providing government services to our citizens, but doing so with necessary precautions in place to protect employees and the citizens we serve,” said a press release from the office of Anderson County Mayor Terry Frank.
“The public is strongly encouraged to call for the assistance they need instead of person-to-person visits at the Courthouse,” the press release said. “Most needs can be met electronically, via fax, or telephone. Citizens are strongly encouraged to limit their visits to the Courthouse. It is extremely important that citizens who are sick and in need of assistance should remain at home and call for assistance.”
The following changes have been made at county offices:
- Office on Aging and Senior Center—Office on Aging services are being provided on a one-on-one basis. Clients are encouraged to call in advance for an appointment. The facility and events are canceled through April 24. The Senior Center is currently offering meals that can be picked-up via a drive-through format process, or delivered. Call (865) 457-3259 for more information. Still providing some medical supplies, and providing Second Harvest food once a week.
- University of Tennessee Extension Office (4-H)—Staff is available only by phone at (865) 457-6246.
- The Anderson County Courthouse is down to one entrance—the front door near the ADA ramp—until further notice. Signs and information re posted at the entrance, and they direct visitors with court business to proceed directly to the Courthouse’s third floor, people with appointments to proceed directly to the appropriate office, and all others to call in advance. A wall-mounted hand sanitizer station is installed inside the entrance, the press release said.
- Through April 4, the Anderson County Property Assessor’s office will be closed for in-person, walk-in counter service. The office will remain open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday to assist with phone and online questions. You can call (865) 457-6225 or (865) 457-6219, visit online at www.acassessor.com, send an e-mail to Assessor John Alley Jr. at [email protected], send a fax to (865) 264-6266, or send U.S. mail to 100 N. Main Street, Room 202, Clinton, TN 37716.
- Through Monday, April 6, all three office locations for the Anderson County Clerk will be closed to in-person transactions. Many services can be completed online at www.andersoncountyclerk.com. Visit the County Clerk’s drive-through services—for renewals only—in Clinton (beneath the parking deck at the Robert Jolley Building adjacent to the Courthouse), and Oak Ridge. A self-service kiosk is also available 24 hours a day, seven days per week at the Oak Ridge office, which is located at 728C Emory Valley Road. Accepted payment there is in the form of debit and credit cards only. Online vehicle tag renewals can be completed at www.tncountyclerk.com or www.andersoncountyclerk.com. For help by telephone, call (865) 457-6226, 483-0541, or 494-0172. Office hours are 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. U.S. mail is available at 100 N. Main Street Room 111, Clinton, TN 37716.
- Through Monday, April 6, the Anderson County Trustee’s office will be closed to in-person business. Most of the services provided by the Trustee’s office can be handled at the drive-through locations at the Jolley Building in Clinton and at the Emory Valley Road office. Hours are 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Visit online at www.andersoncountytrustee.com. Call (865) 457-6233 or (865) 483-7999, send a fax to (865) 264-6247, send an email to [email protected] or [email protected], or send mail to 100 N. Main Street, Suite 203, Clinton, TN 37716.
- Anderson County Register of Deeds Tim Shelton has closed his office to in-person business. To take care of business with his office, visit online at www.andersondeeds.com or call (865) 457-6235.
- District Attorney General—The office is open. However, face-to-face communication has been suspended.
- Animal Care and Control—The department is operating with limited staffing. But animal care and control calls still will be answered. Volunteer group visitation is limited. Please call (865) 441-2068 for direction on volunteers.
- Buildings and Grounds—The team has increased cleaning and sanitizing protocols for county facilities. Calls for ADA assistance are still being answered.
- CASA—While this office is not a government office, it is located inside the Courthouse. Hours have been limited and citizens are encouraged to call (865) 463-6888.
- County Commission office is open. Citizens are encouraged to call (865) 463-6866 to see if their needs may be handled by phone or electronically.
- Judges and courts—The judges are conducting in-person court hearings as per an order— http://www.tncourts.gov/sites/default/files/docs/covid-19_order.pdf— issued by the Tennessee Supreme Court last week, to ensure the rights of people. Jurors should continue to call the jury line as instructed at the recent orientation and as notated in their panel packet. The courts will continue to update information regarding jury trials on a regular basis.
- Circuit Court Clerk —The Circuit/Criminal, General Sessions Divisions I and II, and Juvenile Clerk’s offices are open and operating on a normal business schedule. The offices are operating with a full staff at this time who are there to answer emails and phone calls in a timely manner. Attorneys and the general public are encouraged to use electronic communications or a telephone as much as possible to reduce in-person contact. People who need to pay their court fees and fines are encouraged to make payments electronically through the website at www.andersoncountycircuitcourt.com or by calling the offices during business hours, as they accept payments by telephone.
- Archives and Records is open. Call in advance to see if your request can be handled electronically or by U.S. mail at (865) 457-6242.
- Clerk and Master’s office—The Tennessee Supreme Court has notified judges that the suspension of in-court hearings has been extended to May 1. Orders of protection will be heard, and will be done so in a manner to minimize the number of people in the courtroom and the Courthouse hallways.
- Law Director—Open; Citizens are encouraged to call and see if assistance can be handled by phone, fax, or electronically. Citizens requiring in-person meetings are encouraged to call in advance for an appointment. (865) 457-6290
- Election Commission—Call (865) 457-6238.
- EMS—Open and fully operational
- Health Department—Open. Call (865) 425-8800.
- For the safety of residents and employees, the county’s Human Resources office strongly encourages everyone to call (865-264-6300) or e-mail [email protected] to see if assistance can be handled by phone or electronically. Group employee meetings have been postponed. Risk Management notifications are being communicated to department heads regularly. CDC recommendations have been posted throughout the Courthouse and electronically distributed to staff.
- Dental clinics—Open for emergency care only. Routine care suspended. Call (865) 425-8803 or (865) 294-5977 (leave a message).
- Finance office—Open. Residents, as well as government employees, are strongly encouraged to call or e-mail to see if assistance can be handled by phone or electronically at (865) 264-6311.
- Highway Department—Open. However, residents and delivery personnel should look for signs that indicate the proper entrances. Guidance is posted at the entrances.
- Public Libraries—Closed to the public effective March 21. However, the Clinton Public Library (865-457-0519) and the Rocky Top Public Library (865-426-6762) are offering no-contact curbside pickup during regular operating hours. To learn more, visit the websites at www.clintonpubliclibrary.org or www.rockytoppubliclibrary.com.Â
- Office of Planning and Development—Open. Inspections are still taking place.
- Parks—Open, but parties, gatherings, and events are suspended.
- Pre-Trial Release—Open. Monitoring and reporting still in place.
- Purchasing—Open. Residents, as well as government employees, are strongly encouraged to call or e-mail to see if assistance can be handled by phone or electronically at (865) 457-6218.
- Sheriff’s Department—Open. The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office said it is checking the temperature of everyone entering the Anderson County Detention Facility in Clinton and is using a hospital-grade disinfectant to clean the jail and patrol cars. If a person has a fever and symptoms consistent with COVID-19, the Sheriff’s Office will make a decision on whether to admit the individual on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the District Attorney General. Visitation at the jail has been suspended. In-person assistance at the Sheriff’s Department’s Records Division has been suspended as well. However, staff will be available from 8 am to 4:30 pm and will be available by calling (865) 457-6258.
- Solid Waste—Convenience centers and the county recycling center are open.
- Tourism Council (Welcome Center)—Open. Informational racks have been placed outside.
- Veterans Service Office—Residents are encouraged to call (865) 457-6803 and see if assistance can be handled via phone, fax or electronically. Citizens requiring in-person assistance are strongly encouraged to call in advance for an appointment.
For more information, visit the Anderson County Government website, www.anderson-county.com where regular COVID-I9 operational updates are posted at the bottom of the home page. A “Department Directory” link that contains all the county office phone numbers is also available on the website.
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