No confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported at two nuclear weapons production sites in Tennessee and Texas, a federal contractor said Wednesday. The two sites are the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas.
At Y-12, the contagious respiratory illness has not affected operations or construction projects such as the Uranium Processing Facility, according to Consolidated Nuclear Security, the contractor that manages and operates the two sites.
CNS said it is increasing sanitation efforts, limiting travel and visits, minimizing external visitors, and increasing the use of technology to limit face-to-face contact.
“The health of our employees, their families, and our community is important to us, and we are taking appropriate precautions,” CNS said. “To ensure employees receive accurate and timely information, on-site medical personnel continue to monitor the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and other sources. Situational updates are communicated directly to employees. We continue to monitor the CDC, WHO, and other sources and are closely aligned with NNSA and DOE in our response.”
The NNSA is the National Nuclear Security Administration, and it is part of DOE (the U.S. Department of of Energy). Y-12 is an NNSA site.
Y-12 is currently not allowing public access to New Hope Center, including the Y-12 History Center.
“Only those with official business are allowed to enter New Hope Center,” CNS said. “All Y-12 policies are being evaluated and modified, where possible, to maximize social distancing and minimize contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.”
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