Law enforcement officers are still investigating the robbery of Regions Bank in June, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said Friday.
The robbery of the bank on Rutgers Avenue in central Oak Ridge was reported at about 1:34 p.m. Wednesday, June 19.
A white man handed a note to a teller stating it was a robbery, the Oak Ridge Police Department said in June. The man fled on foot toward Vermont Avenue, according to the ORPD.
The man was described as having a slim build, and he was last seen wearing glasses and a green flannel shirt, blue ball cap (white tag right side), blue jeans, and dark running shoes. There was no vehicle description.
On Friday, the FBI said the case remains an active investigation with the Oak Ridge Police Department.
“There is nothing that we can publicly discuss about the matter,” the FBI said in response to two questions, including whether a suspect has been identified. “However, anyone with information about the robbery is asked to call the ORPD or the FBI. They can remain anonymous.”
It’s not clear what the man might have taken during the robbery.
If you have information about the robbery, you are asked to contact ORPD Detective Kevin Craig at [email protected] or (865) 425-4399. FBI Knoxville can be reached at (865) 544-0751.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
You can contact John Huotari, owner and publisher of Oak Ridge Today, at (865) 951-9692 or [email protected].
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