“The Gift of Life†is the topic of the Monday, February 25, luncheon and general meeting of AAUW (American Association of University Women).
The meeting will start at 11:30 a.m. Monday at First Presbyterian Church, Room 102, Activities Building.
Brent Hannah, director of of Cardiovascular and Transplant Services at the University of Tennessee, will give an overview of the transplant program begun at the University of Tennessee in 1985 by Dr. Mitch Goldman. More than 1,300 kidney transplants have been performed, a press release said. Donors for the transplants have been living donors, living related donors, directed non-related donors, and non-directed non-related living donors, as well as deceased donors, the release said.
Mary Bell, a retired cardiac nurse, will talk about her “adventure†as a kidney donor. She volunteered to give one of her kidneys to someone she knew needed a kidney transplant and has never regretted it. She had the operation to remove one of her kidneys at age 66. She will describe the recovery period from this surgery and how much it means to her to have saved a life, the press release said. Her kidney, as it turned out, went to a cardiologist whom she did not know.
The program will begin at noon Monday after a luncheon catered by the Soup Kitchen at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon will consist of soup, sandwiches, and desserts at a cost of $8.00. Iced tea and coffee will also be available. Reservations may be made by calling Mary Uziel at (865) 483-1043.
The public is invited to attend and encouraged to hear about this life-saving program that serves all of East Tennessee.
AAUW is an organization that seeks to promote equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research, the press release said.
More information may be found at www.aauw.org.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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