An Oak Ridge family, including two children, were able to escape safely when a kitchen fire spread to an attic on Bunker Lane on Wednesday night, Jan. 2, 2019, firefighters said. (Photo by Tom Scott/Oak Ridge Fire Department)
An Oak Ridge family, including two children, were able to escape safely when a kitchen fire spread to an attic on Bunker Lane on Wednesday, firefighters said.
The fire was reported just after 10 p.m. on Wednesday, January 2.
The residents said they were cooking on the stove when a pan of grease caught fire, the Oak Ridge Fire Department said. The residents were able to slow the spread of the fire with an extinguisher, but flames quickly extended through the stove hood and into the attic, the ORFD said.
“All family members inside the home at the time of the fire, including two children under the age of six, were able to escape safely,” the ORFD said.
Anderson County EMS transported one adult male to Parkwest Medical Center to be evaluated for smoke inhalation, the Fire Department said.
Firefighters were at the home until approximately 11:45 p.m. Wednesday. The home sustained moderate damage in the kitchen and attic areas, the ORFD said. The American Red Cross of East Tennessee responded to provide temporary housing.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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