Slow down, and use caution, the Oak Ridge Police Department said Monday morning, Jan. 8, 2018. “Roads are very slick. Stay home if you don’t need to be out.” Several crashes have already been reported this morning, and Key Springs Road, which goes down into Marlow, has been closed. (Photo courtesy ORPD)
Roads are slippery, several crashes have been reported, and Key Springs Road, which goes down into Marlow, has been closed, the Oak Ridge Police Department said Monday morning.
“Roads are very slick in Oak Ridge,” the ORPD said. “If you must drive, slow down and use caution! Stay home if you don’t need to be out.”
The icy conditions had led school systems to close—including in Oak Ridge, Anderson County, Clinton, and Roane County—and some organization opened late, including the City of Oak Ridge and Roane County Courthouse. The Anderson County Courthouse is closed, and so is Roane State Community College.
A layer of ice had coated the ground Monday morning, making roads and sidewalks slippery.
There were reports of ice in Oak Ridge and across Anderson County and even on heavily traveled roads such as Interstate 40. There have been many reports of vehicles sliding off of roadways and into ditches, among other collisions.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
See previous story here.
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Philip W Nipper says
John, as a side note, your readers may be interested knowing that Key Springs Road was originally called “G” Road. Some “old timers” still refer to it as “G” road. It was one of the town’s original evacuation routes in case of some sort of “catastrophic event” during the AEC era. Don’t know if the letter “G” had any significance or not. There were others located around the city that basically took you up and over the north ridge. There was one on the east end I think at the end of Endicot Lane off of East Drive and another on the west end which is now Mississippi Ave. Growing up on the east end of town I remember as kids in the early and mid 1960’s during the summer we would take the east end evacuation route, which by that time was only a dirt trail full of ruts, with our bikes and make our way to Bacon Springs to fish and collect water cress.
johnhuotari says
Thank you, Philip. I didn’t know this.