To the Editor:
It is with pleasure that I recommend to you Jim Dodson for Oak Ridge City Council. Jim is an active leader in our community in several different ways, from his involvement in United Way to the Arts Council of Oak Ridge, and he has just become a member of the Board of Directors of Aid for Distressed Families in Appalachian Counties.
In each of these organizations, Jim serves as a natural leader. His relationship with the arts community extends beyond Oak Ridge to include Knoxville and Nashville. In all areas where he is active, he is well respected not only for his creative thinking, but for his excellent leadership ability.
He stays in touch with students through being a teacher at Jefferson Middle School. This connects him with a portion of the younger generation (now known as Generation Z—born since 1995, which makes up 25 percent of our population, more than Baby Boomers and even more than Millennials!).
I believe these younger generations are the future of Oak Ridge. Those of us who are Baby Boomers (born in 1946-1964) are retired or nearing retirement.
We need leaders who understand the thinking of these upcoming potential leaders and can help encourage them to develop into effective leaders. Jim is someone who had demonstrated the ability to interact effectively with young people.
Jim has experience working with all ages and has the ability to relate to both young and older citizens. He listens and engages people well to bring about understanding. Teaching has prepared him to interact effectively with people.
He understands the need for Oak Ridge to continue on the path of effective economic development. He appreciates that growth in all areas of our economy is needed. Attracting professionals to our region and getting them to consider living in Oak Ridge is important to Jim.
I hope you will vote and will consider Jim as one of the three candidates you select for Oak Ridge City Council.
Ray Smith
Oak Ridge
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