Ellen Smith, environmental scientist and Oak Ridge mayor pro tem, will discuss radioactive waste management on Monday, October 26.
Smith will be the featured speaker at the luncheon meeting of AAUW (American Association of University Women). The meeting starts at 11:30 a.m. Monday at First Presbyterian Church in Room 102 of the Activities Building.
Smith’s talk is scheduled to start at noon.
A catered luncheon by The Soup Kitchen will be served prior to her talk, starting at 11:30 a.m. A selection of soups and sandwiches, iced tea and coffee, and cookies will be available for $8, a press release said.
Those attending can bring their own lunches if they prefer, but reservations are required to assure
enough seating. To make a reservation, call Mary Uziel at (865) 483-1043 or Marge Congdon at (865) 483-3120.
Ellen Smith, as a staff member of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has participated nationally in analyses and reviews for a variety or radioactive waste management projects and proposals, and also locally, as a community volunteer.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in geology from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, and a master’s degree in water resources management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Her involvement with waste disposal began more than 35 years ago, when she joined the Wisconsin state regulatory program for solid and hazardous waste management as a staff hydrogeologist. In addition to her service on the Oak Ridge City Council, she served many years on the city’s Environmental Quality Advisory Board and on the board of the former Local Oversight Committee.
AAUW members and others are reminded to bring items for ADFAC, such as soaps, tooth brushes, tooth paste, shampoo, and other personal care items, which cannot be purchased with food stamps.
AAUW is a national organization, with branches in all 50 states, which advocates for women and girls. The Mission Statement of the Organization states: “AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy,
education, philanthropy, and research.†More information is available at www.oakridge-tn.aauw.net; www.aauw-tn.aauw.net, or www.aauw.org. Membership information and applications are available at meeting.
General meetings of the Oak Ridge Branch are always open to the public and visitors are encouraged to attend, the press release said.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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