Pedro Otaduy, a retired nuclear and power engineer, is running for Oak Ridge City Council in the November 4 municipal election.
In a press release, Otaduy said he agrees with the current mayor, Tom Beehan, who is not seeking re-election, that “it is time for new leadership to take a fresh look at moving Oak Ridge forward.â€
“I am a candidate because I care and feel strongly about the need for change in this city,” Otaduy said. “Fresh looks though, are not enough: Actions and new ideas are needed. Looking without a vision does not help either.”
Otaduy said he is a proud Oak Ridger, born a Basque with the gene of independence.
“I was raised in a country ruled by a dictator, who knew what was best and who used fear to glue society together,” he said.
Otaduy said he went to the University of Florida in 1973 on a Fulbright Scholarship and to Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1973.
“I hold advanced degrees in power engineering from the University of the Basque Country and in nuclear engineering from the University of Florida,” Otaduy said. “I joined the ORNL as a Wigner Fellow, worked on nuclear reactor diagnostics, advanced control and simulation, on electric motors for transportation, and on energy-efficient building technologies.”
Otaduy said he also taught engineering at universities in Bilbao, Gainesville, and Knoxville.
“Now that I am retired, I devote my time to caring for my grandson and daughters and also doing international engineering consulting,” he said. “I am proud that many people know me, not by my name, but as Maria’s husband.”
He said his wife was a well-loved teacher in the Spanish Immersion Program in the Woodland School and, for three-and-a-half years, she was chef and owner of the Homeland Food Cafe restaurant.
“I am also proud to be known by many as the father of Rosalia, Zumaya, Jazmin, Lorea, and Zenia at school, soccer, and social gatherings,” Otaduy said. “If elected, I will commit myself to move forward to ensure that there is a better future for the city. I have my eyes open, and I have a vision.”
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