To the Editor:
This election cycle, some candidates have characterized City Council deliberations as combative or regressive. The truth is, however, that of the hundreds of decisions made every year by City Council, the majority are made by unanimous vote. The same is true of the Board of Education and our boards and commissions.
A well-balanced government should not be stacked with all like-minded people whose primary goal is to achieve harmony. Some might argue that unanimity, which should not be mistaken for progress, is what has gotten us into many of the messes we are in. No, an elected body should allow for all voices to have the opportunity to be heard and considered.
When someone stands for something, they are standing against something, and that something is backed by many someones. Those someones do not necessarily represent the best interest of the general public, but when left unchallenged, they may be perceived as such. Our city’s problems didn’t create themselves. They were created by people of both altruistic and selfish intentions.
Anne Garcia Garland truly understands the people of Oak Ridge and she recognizes that our problems are not simple and will not be resolved overnight. More importantly, she has the courage to continue to stand up to those who perpetuate them. My vote for City Council will be for accountability, transparency, and a voice of the people, by the people, and for the people. My vote is for Anne Garcia Garland.
Trina Baughn
Oak Ridge
Joseph Lee says
Symbiosis at work here. Can I get a second on that?
Dave Smith says
You misspelled “psychosis.”
Matt Bailey says
Every time I see baughn, aka “…pants on fire”, talk about transparency I have laugh.
Virginia M. Jones says
Does this remark meet standards 2 & 3 of the Commenting Guidlines?
Joseph Lee says
Yes Virginia. It’s called an opinion.
Virginia M. Jones says
There is a difference between a reasoned opinion and innuendo and slurs.
People in the public eye need to know the difference between factual argument and attempts to sway people with through insulting remarks.
Joseph Lee says
Virginia, the issue is the endorsement. When I think about the countless hours that these two councilwomen have forced this council and community to sit through of pointless debate only to end up with a 5-2 or 4-3 vote, I take exception to that and wonder just who do they think they are looking out for? It sure ain’t me.
Without each other’s second they both would be done.
Symbiosis is not a slur, it’s a fact.
This is what elections are for.
See you at the polls.
Thank you.
Virginia M. Jones says
Symbiosis is inaccurately used here. Both Council Members you refer to are perfectly capable of standing on their own. If there are instances of debate which is truly pointless, then this allegation needs to be substantiated with specific evidence; otherwise the remark is emotive and unsubstantiated. You might have noticed that Council Woman Garcia-Garland said in her announcement of candidacy, that she customarily would second motions, she might not agree with, as a courtesy to the council member bringing up a subject, so it could at least be discussed.
Joseph Lee says
See you at the polls.
Virginia M. Jones says
Here is what the 10th Edition, the current edition, of Roberts Rules of Order has to say about seconding a motion: “A second merely implies that the seconder agrees that the motion should come before the meeting and not that he necessarily favors the motion. A member may second a motion (even if using the word “support” as indicated above): because he would like to see the assembly go on record as rejecting the proposal, if he believes a vote on the motion would have such a result.” (pp.34-35).
Also, with regard to symbiosis, it can mean simply being side by side, but in psychology, a symbiotic relationship is a one in which the two beings tied together are not able to exist independently, with each standing alone.
Matt Bailey says
Good morning, Virginia. Yes, my comment was as snarky as her claim about the “culture of terror” that no past or current employee validated. No one ever knew the supposed “sources’ of that information. I can easily cite multiple examples of a lack of transparency from her “camp” and her candidates camps. This includes the recent claim that “they” have a fairer and better bus plan for next year IF we have to have a walk zone. Yet no one proposed it months ago. Or even yesterday. What are they waiting for?
I’m tired of the drama and allegations. Transparency works both ways. Voters deserve better than this.
Trina Baughn says
Hey, Matt! Great to see you using your real name. I thought that we were having such a lovely email conversation a few weeks back, but then it suddenly stopped. What happened?
I think you missed this link to the letter from the police chief that started it all last year ( where he stated, among other things, that “ORS staff has been reluctant at best, and in some instances obstructive in their interaction with ORPD personnel.†If you can’t trust your chief of police as a credible source, who can you trust?
I’m happy to report, however, that things are much different now. After having been stalled for over 7 months, the MOU was signed shortly after the public uproar. And, as I reported here (, our SROs have developed a great report with staff and students which has enabled them to more proactively address problems before they escalate into serious issues.
Dr. Borchers also updated council this morning on additional safety measures that have been put in place since last summer. As of now, we have 2 dedicated SROs, 6 “guest” officers and the implementation of active shooter training and prep has begun with a very positive reception from school staff.
I hope you will join me in applauding Dr. Borchers, our school staff and our police department for their collaborative efforts and for making our students’ safety a top priority!
Matt Bailey says
No, what started all this was your grandstanding by blindsiding the new supt. before he arrived at his new job. You tried to tie a culture of terror with employees leaving in droves. You own website said the turnover rate was approx 5%, I believe. Even CNN states 50% of people are unhappy at their job! Still, no ex or current employee or student has stepped up to publicly confirm either of your (false) accusations.
Sadly, you still won’t answer the question of “do you have a better busing plan if needed”. Your supporters claim you do. Where is it? You’ve never been shy about advising the schools before, so why now?
Absolutely, I applaud the new supt., the police chief, you and others for the improvements. What surprises me is that you invoke the police when it’s convenient to do so, but you apparently failed to advise your candidates to do the same prior to announcing their candidacies. (Though it appears you’ve thrown Mr. Howe over the bridge). Certainly that was all Ms. Paine’s very own personal business prior to running for office, and no one else’s business. But you knew it and hid it from the voters, claimed outrage when the story broke, and stood by as your supporters tried to explain it away. The act was unfortunate, the decision to cover it up years later horrible. You keep claiming the voters deserve better and I agree..they do. I hope you haven’t used a political novice to further your own agenda.
johnhuotari says
Note: A handful of comments from one poster have been removed from this letter, a recent guest column, and one or two stories because I am unable to confirm the identity of the poster.
Please remember that our commenting guidelines do require the use of a real name. The poster in question is welcome to get in touch with me using the Contact form at the top of the page to confirm his/her identity if we made an error.
We do take steps to confirm the identities of those who comment here. If we are unable to confirm your identity, your comments will be removed if they have already posted, or not posted if they have not yet posted.
Thank you for your understanding and patience, and please let me know if you have any questions.
John Huotari
Oak Ridge Today