Information from WYSH Radio
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation has ordered Oliver Springs to upgrade its wastewater treatment plant or face a hefty fine. The state gave the town until August 31, 2015, to correct the problems outlined in the order, including several violations in the past few years dealing with system overflows and E. coli contamination.
The plant discharged water into Poplar Creek.
If the problems are not corrected by the end of August 2015, the town could face a fine of up to $175,000.
The state also issued a moratorium on adding any new sewer customers.
The town has spent about $250,000 to improve the plant during the past year, but more remains to be done. Town officials hope to mitigate or eliminate the fine by making all of the corrections outlined in the report. The town is preparing its response to the state, including an outline of how the problems will be addressed. It is due to officials in Nashville by August 31.
Once that plan is approved by TDEC, the project will be put out for bid.
Officials are also looking for low-interest loans to pay for the estimated $3 million project, but they warn that even if those efforts are successful, a sewer rate increase will likely still be necessary.
Information in this story brought to you through an agreement between Oak Ridge Today and WYSH. See more local news headlines on the WYSH website at
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