U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, center, a Tennessee Republican, visited Hoskins Drug Store in Clinton on Tuesday to show support for state Rep. John Ragan, an Oak Ridge Republican seeking re-election.
CLINTON—Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Uranium Processing Facility remain funding priorities even in tough economic times, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander said Tuesday.
A Tennessee Republican, Alexander said all federal government funding is under pressure and should be until the nation’s debt is under control. But the UPFÂ at the Y-12 National Security Complex is the top priority of the U.S. Department of Energy, the senator said. And ORNL performs crucial missions, the senator said.
“In difficult times, they’ll still continue to receive a good funding stream,” he said.
Alexander said he would also like to see cleanup work continue in Oak Ridge, including mercury cleanup projects.
Alexander said the UPF project, which could cost up to $6.5 billion, is a costly 50-75 year decision that could affect the health and safety of hundreds of workers, and it should proceed as rapidly as possible, although a good design is needed.

Top local, state, and federal Republicans and other residents turned out at Hoskins Drug Store on Tuesday to show support for Tennessee Rep. John Ragan, fourth from left, who is seeking re-election in the Nov. 6 election.
Asked about the July 28 security breach at Y-12, Alexander said it shouldn’t have happened, but he’s not ready to turn over security to another government department, as U.S. Rep. Mike Turner, an Ohio Republican, has proposed.
Alexander said “some heads have rolled,” and investigations have been launched that will help determine the right next steps.
He said roughly $3 billion in federal money is spent in Oak Ridge each year for all DOE facilities. But there have been budget uncertainties caused by Congress’ inability to make decisions, Alexander said.
Alexander was at Hoskins Drug Store in Clinton on Tuesday with other top local, state, and federal Republicans to show support for Rep. John Ragan, an Oak Ridge Republican who is running against former Rep. Jim Hackworth, a Clinton Democrat, in one of the half-dozen key races in the Tennessee House of Representatives.
Nathaniel K says
John Ragan has done a good job in Anderson County. We can’t afford to go backwards with the cronyism of Hackworth.
CK says
John Ragan deserves a 2cnd term .he has been a tremendous improvement over the partisan politics of Jim Hackworth.