An Oak Ridge Public Works Department crew repairs a broken water line underneath Northwestern Avenue near Nevada Circle at lunchtime Saturday, Jan. 6, 2018. The crew here is supervised by Oak Ridge Public Works Department Utility Line Maintenance Crew Chief Michael Brown. (Photo by John Huotari/Oak Ridge Today)
Oak Ridge crews have responded to 35 water main breaks since January 1, an average of about five per day, City Manager Mark Watson told City Council members on Monday.
There could be more water line breaks as the temperature warms, Watson said.
The city is plotting the water line breaks on a map for more comprehensive repairs.
Cast-iron water pipes can break when the ground shifts as it freezes and then thaws in cold winter weather.
Earlier, on Friday, the City of Oak Ridge reported about 20 water main breaks in four days of below-freezing temperatures. After that, the Oak Ridge Public Works Department continued to repair broken water lines over the weekend.
The city said the Oak Ridge Public Works Department has been working around the clock in cold temperature and wet conditions to repair broken water mains and restore service. Some repairs take a few hours and others take longer.
Besides the Oak Ridge Public Works Department, others who have been out working in the cold weather this week and last, including to fight a house fire, are the Oak Ridge Electric Department, Oak Ridge Fire Department, Oak Ridge Police Department, and Oak Ridge Utility District.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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