Members of the Flatwater Tales Storytelling Festival team gather in this year’s festival t-shirts. They are, from left, seated, Pat Postma, Matt Tucker, Liz Tucker, Becky Dodson, and Ram Uppuluri. From left, standing, are Vanessa Spratling, Martha Hobson, Kay Brookshire, Charles Crowe, Judy Wilson, Ray Smith, Sue Byrne, and Mark Watson. (Photo by Linde Mills)
Volunteers from civic, charitable, and business organizations throughout the community are planning to welcome three renowned storytellers to Oak Ridge for the June 7 and 8 Flatwater Tales Storytelling Festival at the Historic Grove Theater.
Members of the three Oak Ridge Rotary Clubs are taking lead roles in the Flatwater Tales team planning the festival, which originated in 2018 as a community project led by Emily and Charlie Jernigan, Pat Postma, and Martha and David Hobson.
This year, Sue Byrne and Martha Hobson are co-chairing the Flatwater Executive Committee. Others on the Executive Committee are Lydia Birk, treasurer; Charles Crowe, leading the revenue team; Becky Dodson, heading the promotion team; and Pat Postma, secretary who is also on the performances team with Liz Tucker and Matt Tucker.
The storytellers coming to Flatwater Tales are Charlotte Blake Alston, Josh Goforth, and Bil Lepp. [Read more…]