An estimated 400 people attended a kick-off meeting for an Oak Ridge City Blueprint at Grove Theater on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017. (Photo by John Huotari/Oak Ridge Today)
An estimated 400 people attended a kick-off meeting for an Oak Ridge City Blueprint at Grove Theater on Thursday.
Among other things, people were asked what type of project they would like to see in the community. Here are some responses. This list does not include all responses.
- A bicycle path or greenway on the old railway that runs from the Y-12 National Security Complex, through central Oak Ridge past Jefferson Middle School, and to Melton Lake Drive.
- A roundabout at the five-way intersection of Providence and East Pasadena roads, and East Tennessee, North Tulane, and Pennsylvania avenues (many residents refer to it as “malfunction junction”). This proposal had both support and opposition.
- A roundabout or light at Melton Lake Drive and Emory Valley Road (this roundabout also had support and opposition).
- Remove unused or dilapidated buildings.
- An airport.
- Sidewalks and crosswalk lights in downtown Oak Ridge.
- A box culvert to connect Ernie’s Creek in east Oak Ridge to Melton Hill Lake.
- A handicap-inclusive playground at Melton Lake Park.
- A senior center and active senior living.
- City-wide high-speed wireless Internet.
- An improvement to the crosswalk on Melton Lake Drive because drivers are not stopping.
- Upgrade or modify a different building for the Oak Ridge Animal Shelter.
- Keep Elm Grove Park as a park.
- Make city parks more inviting, including with picnic tables, benches, and recycling containers.
- Maintain and clean roads and sidewalks for “curb appeal.”