Coming to a strange country not knowing the people, culture, or even language can be daunting. Many United States citizens often trace their families back and learn about those who came to these shores and struggled against difficult odds. The challenge continues, and sometimes people are available to offer a helping hand during the critical transition, to bridge the gap between one’s former life and the new one stretching out ahead with so many unknowns. One organization that serves in this capacity is Bridge Refugee Services, operating in the Knoxville and Chattanooga areas, which assists refugees, a group of people often including asylum seekers.
“How can I help?†is a question often posed by those who wish to help eliminate the pain and confusion of those living this difficult set of circumstances.  With this question in mind, Drocella Mugorewera, executive director of Bridge Refugee Services Inc., will present at the next meeting of the Women’s Interfaith Dialogue of Oak Ridge. It will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, February 6, at the Jewish Congregation, 101 West Madison Lane in Oak Ridge. This is across the street from the back of the Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge. [Read more…]