Friends of the Oak Ridge Library will hold its Fall 2018 Book Sale from Thursday to Sunday in the Oak Ridge Public Library Auditorium.
“Plan to come to the Thursday evening Members Sale, then come Friday to purchase the titles you thought about buying but didn’t on Thursday,” a press release said. “Come Saturday to find half-price bargains and to place your winning bid on the Silent Auction items you want to take home. Return on Sunday to fill a bag with titles for your friends and family and the many Free Libraries scattered about town. Every day you will find a wide selection of fiction and nonfiction books and nonprint media with most titles 50 cents or $1 each.”
The Book Sale will be open to members only on Thursday evening, October 25, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Memberships ($5 for individuals, $10 for families) can be bought that evening. [Read more…]