The Oak Ridge City Council is expected to appoint a new member on July 9 to fill the seat being vacated by Hans Vogel, who is resigning and moving to take a new job at Idaho National Laboratory.
Vogel, who was elected to a four-year term in November 2016, is serving through June 30. Currently employed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Vogel will become director of strategic irradiation capability for the Advanced Test Reactor at INL, which is in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
The new City Council member appointed Monday, July 9, will serve until a special municipal election on November 6. The person elected in the special election will then serve the final two years of Vogel’s four-year term.
The City of Oak Ridge is currently accepting applications to fill the pending City Council vacancy. Those who are interested must submit application materials to the City Clerk’s Office by 5 p.m. Thursday, July 5.
“Any qualified voter is eligible to serve on City Council if he or she has been a resident of the city for one year preceding the day of appointment and provided that, before taking office, he or she resign any state, county, or other municipal office which is filled by public election or position of employment with the City of Oak Ridge,” a press release said. [Read more…]