Pictured above during a hearing on four lawsuits filed against Lee Cromwell, second from left, are attorneys Jason Fisher, left; James Y. “Bo” Reed, second from right; and Bruce Fox. Personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits have been filed against Cromwell, 67, an Oak Ridge resident convicted in February of vehicular homicide and eight counts of aggravated assault in a fatal crash in a crowded parking lot at Midtown Community Center after fireworks on July 4, 2015. The hearing on the lawsuits was Wednesday morning, April 12, 2017, in Anderson County Circuit Court in Clinton. (Photo by John Huotari/Oak Ridge Today)
Note: This story was last updated at 11 a.m. April 13.
CLINTON—Four lawsuits, including personal injury and wrongful death complaints, have been filed against Lee Cromwell, the Oak Ridge man convicted of vehicular homicide and aggravated assault in February after a fatal crash in a crowded parking lot at Midtown Community Center after fireworks on July 4, 2015. The four lawsuits seek up to about $7.5 million in damages. The amount could be larger because one of the lawsuits doesn’t specify a damage amount.
Three of the lawsuits have been settled or are pending settlement, attorney James Y. “Bo” Reed of Knoxville said in a hearing in Anderson County Circuit Court in Clinton on Wednesday morning. Reed represents Cromwell, 67, in the civil cases.
The terms of the settlements haven’t been publicly disclosed. One of the settlements, in the case of Janicia Henderson and four children, is listed in Anderson County Criminal Court Clerk records, but it remains under seal because there are juveniles involved.
A trial date has been scheduled for October 25 in the case that hasn’t been settled or where a settlement isn’t pending. That’s a civil complaint, a personal injury lawsuit, filed by Michael Eldridge and his wife Elizabeth Eldridge of Oak Ridge. [Read more…]