Emory Valley Center held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new building on Friday, April 15. The ceremony included people that Emory Valley Center supports, EVC staff and board members, Capital Campaign co-chairs Dottie Thompson and Gene Caldwell, Tennessee Senator Randy McNally, Representative John Ragan, Senator Ken Yager, and representatives of Michael Brady Inc. and Hickory Construction Inc.
Emory Valley Center launched a Capital Campaign for a new building six years ago, when plans for probable demolition of the building the organization uses for some of its services to people with disabilities was discussed by the owners. Through the efforts of Thompson and Caldwell, business and individual donors, and grant awards for the project, the campaign is at a point where construction can begin.
“We are very excited to break ground on our new building and for construction to begin,†said EVC President Jennifer Enderson. “So many individual supporters, businesses, families, staff, and other community partners have worked very hard to make our new building a reality, and we are very grateful for their efforts and continuing support.†[Read more…]