Children learn to identify a corn snake during a 2015 nature walk on DOE’s Oak Ridge Reservation. (ORNL photo)
Four more nature walks are planned this spring on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Reservation beginning with a wildflower walk at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, April 10.
Participants will see many native spring wildflowers in the woods along the bluffs of Watts Bar Lake during the 3.5-hour walk. Limited to 25, walking will be off trail in moderately rough terrain of one to two miles. Participants need to have good balance and stamina, dress in layers, wear sturdy shoes, and bring bug spray and water.
Reservations must be made no later than Thursday, April 7, by contacting Tracy Clem at (865) 574-5151 or [email protected]. If bad weather forces postponement of an event, it will be announced on ORNL’s Information Line at (865) 574-9836 at least two hours before the scheduled start of the walk. [Read more…]