Pictured above from left are Dottie Thompson, Emory Valley Center Capital Campaign co-chair; Jenks Bostic, Regions Bank consumer banking executive for East Tennessee and North Carolina presenting check to Emory Valley President Jennifer Enderson; Janet Wood, Emory Valley Center development director; Gene Caldwell, Emory Valley Center Capital Campaign co-chair; and Kevin Crateau, Regions Bank East Tennnessee and North Carolina Area marketing director. (Submitted photo)
Regions Foundation recently presented a check for $20,000 to President Jennifer Enderson for Emory Valley Center’s Capital Campaign for a new building on Emory Valley Road.
Jenks Bostic, Regions Bank consumer banking executive for East Tennessee and North Carolina. and Kevin Crateau, Regions Bank East Tennessee and North Carolina area marketing director, recently participated in a tour of Emory Valley Center and were inspired by the people supported by the agency to request a donation from Regions Foundation.
Bostic also has a personal connection to Emory Valley Center. His mother, Bertie Bostic, was a well-respected, longtime teacher at the Daniel Arthur Rehabilitation Center (DARC) and his father, Paul Bostic, was the superintendent of Anderson County Schools under whose administration both the DARC and the Emory Valley School operated for many years. Bostic is well acquainted with the work and mission of Emory Valley Center, a press release said. [Read more…]