Students Josh Cormany of Knoxville, then 15, and Lauren McCoig of Oak Ridge, then 12, perform a scene at the 2014 Oak Ridge Junior Playhouse Theater Camp showcase.
(Photo by Suzanne McNeil)
By Betsy Abernathy
The Oak Ridge Junior Playhouse is preparing for its annual summer program for young people interested in theater. The Oak Ridge Junior Playhouse Theater Camp will run from June 6 through June 17, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. each weekday. The camp is open to rising third through rising 12th graders and will be held in the studios of the Dance Centre of Oak Ridge, which is at 108 East Division Road in Oak Ridge. On the last day of camp, the participants will present a workshop showcase on the Oak Ridge Playhouse stage.
Former campers, many of whom continue to be involved in theater at their schools and communities, speak highly of the summer program. Josh Cormany, 17, of Knoxville, who stage managed the recent Junior Playhouse production of “The Snow Queen,†recommends the camp to kids interested in theater.
“My favorite thing about the Playhouse Theater Camp is that you get to have fun and learn about theater in a friendly and nonjudgmental environment,” Cormany said. “The camp is so enjoyable because you can just be yourself.” [Read more…]