Bill Garibay, president and chief executive officer of ES&H, joins staff members in preparing chili for the Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge Chili Cook-off. With him, from left, are Erik Cueto, Bryan Byler, Dave O’Toole, Lynne Musick, and Jim Everett. (Submitted photo)
Chili teams are invited to cook a pot of their best chili, and the public is welcome to sample it, when the Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge hosts its first annual Choo Choo Chili Cook-off on Sunday, Oct. 20.
As chili contestants vie for ribbons, the public may sample chili and enjoy hot dogs, cornbread and beverages that will be available during the cook-off, which will take place from 3-6 p.m. For children, pumpkin decorating and scarecrow activities will add to the fun afternoon. Admission for the cook-off and museum is $5.
Chili chefs may enter in one of five categories: vegetarian, meat, spicy, white and surprise ingredient. They will prepare chili off site and bring at least one gallon of chili in a crock pot for the event. Contestants must use non-processed ingredients, except for items such as tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, and Tabasco sauce. Contestants are asked to provide a team name and decorate a table. Fee for contestants is $25 per team. More than 20 teams are expected at the cook-off. [Read more…]