Dear Oak Ridge:
The board and staff of the Child Advocacy Center wish to thank many of the community who helped create a wonderful event on Nov. 2: The Youth Showcase and Auction. The event raised approximately $4,500 to further our mission of combating severe physical and sexual abuse and the resulting trauma by coordinating and providing services to young victims in a child friendly, safe, and nurturing environment.
Many donated their time to our cause. The evening’s master of ceremonies, Matt Shafer Powell of NPR, amused the audience between acts. David Fall, of Stephenson’s auction, prompted audience members to keep bidding and raised $2,200 on the live auction alone. Volunteers Glen Zahn on sound, Adam Bell as stage manager, and Zachary Picketton on lights provided flawless technical support. Terry Silver-Alford, music director of the Clarence Brown Theater, provided musical skills as an accompanist for several of the performers. Not least, the kind folks of High Places Community Church allowed us to use their wonderfully preserved Historic Grove Theater for the performance. [Read more…]