Habitat for Humanity of Anderson County has a lot to celebrate in the month of April. A family will be moving into their new home, and another family paid off their mortgage. Two local churches will be hosting celebrations for both of these momentous occasions.
The Core family has a new home in Andersonville. After months of hard work, they are excited to be moving in later this month. Usually, HFHAC holds a dedication service for a new home at the home itself. This time, however, the dedication will take place at Faith Lutheran Church in Oak Ridge. Choosing this church was easy because it’s the home church of the Mr. and Mrs. Cal Knoke. The Knokes donated a very large sum of money toward this particular build.
As wonderful as it is to have the opportunity to show off the finished product to the community, it was decided that in this case, it wouldn’t be the best idea. The yard cannot be seeded and strawed just yet, it’s been too rainy this spring. Rather than invite people to tromp through mud, HFHAC would like for everyone interested to come to the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, April 17, at Faith Lutheran Church, which is at 1300 Oak Ridge Turnpike in Oak Ridge.
“There will be pictures of the house during construction, a chance to meet the Core family, and best of all, cake!” a press release said. [Read more…]