Content written by team coaches—edited and submitted by Holly Cross
Three robotics teams from Jefferson Middle School competed in the FIRST Lego League East Tennessee State Championship at Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville on February 11. One team will represent Jefferson Middle School and Tennessee at the FIRST LEGO World Championships in Houston in April.
To compete in the state championship, teams must first qualify at either the Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga, or Johnson City competitions. The Atomic Eagles, JMS Master Builders, and Radioactive Brix all qualified in Knoxville on December 3 at Hardin Valley Academy.
The Radioactive Brix (team # 3131) finished the robot challenge game with a high score of 90 and won second place in mechanical design. Members are: Johnny Clark, Grace Godfrey, Christopher Gorsuch, Ethan Holland, Colby Lawson, Josh Shubert, and Chrystalleni White. The team coach is Norma Franco. The team mentor is Justin Holland.
The Atomic Eagles (team #336) finished the robot challenge game with a high score of 110 and won the third place overall Champions Award. Members are: Ben Dallas, Lindsey Fiscor, Bethany Marshall, Amelie Nagle, Levi Parish, Brian Qu, and Alex Shanafield. The team coaches are Janie Shanafield and David Hundermark. The team mentor is Harold Shanafield. [Read more…]