Victoria Seiber, the Chick-fil-A Cow, and Alexis Roy at Clinton High School for the ASAP Ambassador’s National Drug and Alcohol IQ Challenge. (Photo by Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention of Anderson County)
The ASAP Ambassadors Youth Coalition from Anderson County, Clinton, and Oak Ridge high schools celebrated National Drug and Alcohol Facts week last week. Aiming to increase their peers’ awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol, the student-led group organized the event.
Students from the three high schools tested their knowledge on drugs and drug abuse by taking the 2017 National Drug and Alcohol IQ Challenge during their school’s lunch periods. Student contestants answered questions in a buzzer style trivia game related to mental health, marijuana, and other drugs.
With the support of Project AWARE and Chick-fil-A, the event was a crowd-pleasing success, but most importantly, students gained valuable knowledge. [Read more…]