An Oak Ridge High School team won first place in the 2017 Tennessee Science Bowl. Pictured above from left to right with their trophy are, front row, Coach Sharon Thomas, Henry Shen, and Wilson Huang; and back row, Stephen Qu, Joe Andress, and Adi Sujithkumar. (Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Energy)
After months of dogged determination to expand their knowledge of math and science, hone their competition skills, and function as a seamless unit, 60 high school teams from across the state of Tennessee gathered this past weekend to challenge their knowledge in broad science disciplines including chemistry, biology, physics, and energy to compete in the U.S. Department of Energy annual Tennessee Science Bowl.
Although fiercely competitive, only one school emerged the winner. That was Oak Ridge High School, which placed first and received an all-expenses-paid trip to the DOE National Science Bowl in Washington, D.C. The National Science Bowl will be held April 27-May 1. The ORHS team also received a $1,000 cash prize and a first-place trophy.
The Tennessee Science Bowl is the nation’s third-largest regional competition. Held at Pellissippi State Community College’s Blount County Campus, the regional bowl prepares students to compete nationally with other exceptional students from schools across the country, a DOE press release said. [Read more…]