Science field explorations, hands-on activities, and a tour of Oak Ridge National Laboratory will be offered during the American Museum of Science and Energy’s Science Explorer Camp for rising fifth, sixth, and seventh graders during two June sessions. Rising fifth graders must be 10 years old by June 10.
Located at Freels Bend Cabin in Oak Ridge, AMSE’s Science Explorer Camp is scheduled for June 9-13 (Monday-Friday) and June 16-20 (Monday-Friday) from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The cost for a one-week camp session is $150 for AMSE members and $175 for non-members. Camp registration is available online here or stop by AMSE to get a camp registration form, a press release said.
Curious about insects, land and water habitats, life science, weather, geology, fossils, flight, electricity and forensic science? AMSE Science Explorer Camp, sponsored by the AMSE Foundation, introduces students to a variety of science and nature topics in a fun learning environment, the press release said. For 25 years, the Science Explorer Camp has served students with field study and hands-on activities developed by the original educators that enthusiastically continue to teach the summer sessions. [Read more…]