To Oak Ridge Today:
We have known Jim Dodson, candidate for City Council, for almost 30 years. We first met him when he began teaching art at Jefferson Middle School, where he still teaches. A superb artist himself, Jim has fostered the artistic talents of many students who have gone on to win local and regional art competitions.
Jim has a positive outlook on life. No matter what the circumstances, Jim looks for the best in every person and every situation. This has made him a fantastic teacher and leader. He has served on the board of directors for several arts and civic organizations and is highly respected for his leadership abilities and his work ethic. I served on the Arts Council when he was president. He was always highly organized and prepared for every meeting. He researched the issues involved before each meeting and treated every board member with respect.
Jim currently serves on the Oak Ridge Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Secret City Task Force/Board and was recently co-chair of the 2015 United Way of Anderson County Campaign. His superior communication skills and dedication to hard work are evident no matter what organization he serves.
Jim believes passionately in Oak Ridge and wants our town to thrive. He knows the importance of keeping our schools strong while attracting new businesses and families to our town. Jim’s message is a positive one, not a negative one. He is highly skilled in working with others in a constructive manner and will make an excellent addition to the Oak Ridge City Council. We support Jim wholeheartedly. Please vote for Jim Dodson.
Dan and Judy DiGregorio
Oak Ridge
Note: The submitted letters and columns published in the Opinion section do not necessarily reflect the views of Oak Ridge Today or its staff.
Copyright 2016 Oak Ridge Today. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Angi Agle says
Hear, hear!
Charlie Jernigan says
This will also be an excellent opportunity to see the contributions of someone who is extremely active in moving Oak Ridge forward, but also makes his living in the arts. I expect that we will see some uniquely positive ideas for our community.