To the Editor:
This letter writer supports Bill Gallaher, Republican, for Anderson County Register of Deeds.
I am a senior citizen on fixed income. I was born and raised on a farm at Andersonville and have lived in Anderson County my entire life. I retired after a life-long career as a librarian in Anderson County.
I am also a life-long Democrat, supporting Bill Gallaher.
My husband, Allan, was a small businessman in Clinton for many years, owning and managing a boating and marine business. We survived the energy crisis of the 1970s only by making tough decisions with much sacrifice. I understand deeply what Bill Gallaher means when he talks of bringing a business approach to government, and I fully support it. No one, and particularly seniors, can afford financial imbalances ineffectively addressed. We taxpayers are shortchanged when public servants work abbreviated schedules and expenses exceed revenues year after year, as in the Register of Deeds office over the past half decade or more.
I have known Bill his entire life. He may be a Republican, but he understands that a responsible public official owes taxpayers not just top-notch services but also diligent stewardship of their tax dollars. Bill is committed to doing both, making tough decisions in government as he did in business. Bill understands that, in public office, all taxpayers are his customers, and he will take action to maximize productivity and match expenses with revenues.
Please join me in helping make government more conscientious to its customers, to taxpayers, and vote for Bill Gallaher for Anderson County Register of Deeds.
Rebecca Williams
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