Mike Paulus, director of technology transfer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, will talk about ORNL’s top 10 technology commercialization successes during a talk next week.
The talk is scheduled for noon Tuesday, November 9, to Friends of ORNL.
The virtual lecture is open to the public. To watch it online, click on the talk title on the homepage of the www.fornl.org website and click on the Zoom link at the top of the page describing the lecture. Here is Paulus’s summary of what he will talk about.
“From high-temperature alloys to biomaterials to solid-state batteries, ORNL innovations have made a difference in the marketplace,†Paulus said. “Since the 1980s, ORNL has transferred technologies to the private sector through its technology transfer office. My talk will review ORNL’s top 10 commercialization successes and look at a few recently licensed technologies with the potential for future success.”
Paulus has led the ORNL Technology Transfer Office since 2009, a press release said. He and his team collaborate with industry leaders and laboratory scientists to translate ORNL inventions into commercially successful products. ORNL has more than 150 active technology licenses, the release said.
Prior to joining the ORNL Technology Transfer Office, Paulus served as vice president of product management for Siemens Molecular Imaging. There, he and his team were responsible for defining the product portfolio for this worldwide market leader in clinical PET and SPECT diagnostic imaging.
He also served as co-founder and CEO of ImTek, Inc, an ORNL spin-out and market leader in X-ray CT imaging of laboratory animals before its acquisition by CTI Inc. and Siemens.
He has 19 years of experience as a research and development engineer with ORNL, CTI, Georgia Tech, and the U.S. Air Force, where he served as a commissioned officer, the press release said. He has co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, and conference proceedings, and he holds 14 patents.
Paulus has a doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Tennessee, a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Dayton. and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Tennessee.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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