Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning and partners Clinch Valley Trails Alliance and Oak Ridge Greenways are sponsoring the second annual trash cleanup and hike on the East Fork Poplar Creek Greenway.
“This wonderful new trail, developed by CVTA and Greenways Oak Ridge, was recently completed along the banks of East Fork Poplar Creek in west Oak Ridge,” TCWP said. “The trail meanders through a nice riparian woodland along the creek. This trail is subject to occasional flooding, and help is needed to remove litter left behind by the water. There are also a lot of old tires and other debris that have washed from places upstream.”
TCWP and CVTA will provide plastic bags and some pick-up tools for participants.
“Please bring gloves and wear mud-friendly shoes,” TCWP said. “We plan to start at the Jefferson Avenue intersection with the Turnpike at 9 a.m. We’ll cover up to a mile downstream, and possibly some upstream if there is time. Park next to the Boys and Girls Club a short distance from the turnpike. We anticipate the temperature will be much more hospitable than when we did the last cleanup, in February 2020.”
Contact Tim Bigelow at (865) 607-6781 or [email protected] if you have questions.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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